We support the vision of #Familyhood!
#familyhood is a vision that identifies schools as the center for community development and utilizes the schools inter-generational connections to increase governance from within the school to improve the school and its surrounding community. #Familyhood is driven by two main mottos: 1)The Friends of School motto: which states,” every school shall have a Student Government Association (SGA), Parent Teacher Association (PTA), Alumni Association” and 2) The Mo’ Better Food motto: which states, “every school shall have a garden, a farmers market and a grocery store.”
To advance towards #Familyhood, each school should implement #1stSaturdays. #1stSaturdays is the official monthly volunteer/recruitment day that promotes collaboration between the schools three main school based membership organizations (SGA,PTA, ALUMNI) as described above. #1stSaturdays represents the first Saturday of each month as the day these organizations and community partners come out to support #Familyhood’s two main motto’s.
#1stSaturdays merges food security, local governance, technology and entrepreneurship training for the world.
This is where #madeinrichmond comes in and we want your company to join us!
To illustrate, once the schools identify where their garden will be or if they already have one, how to expand it, #1stSaturdays promotes students to utilize technology hands-on to design it and promote it. The same process applies to “every school having a farmers market and grocery store.” Once the students with parents, alumni and community leaders/organizations outline these school- based food related enterprises, they will utilize technology to promote them to their school and beyond.
Join us by participating in the #1stSaturdays-monthly volunteer/recruitment day which is the “do now” of advancing a community from the people up!